A day for loving and celebrating life!

Some people celebrate Valentine’s Day by displaying special acts of love! Some see it as Single Person Awareness Day! Either way you do it, before you show some love to yourself or someone else!


Valentine’s day is a special day in SL as 4 years ago, my big sis Khitten Kurka rezzed onto the grid! She is smart, witty, down to earth, and just down right loveable! My sis, Khitnista is a true diva fashionista! We celebrated her rezz day by doing a little shopping of course and spending some good old sister time together! 

Isn't she diva! She's still got it!

We ended the evening over strawberry cupcakes and coffee as we tried to stay awake chatting the night away!

2 thoughts on “A day for loving and celebrating life!

  1. Yeah old as dirt, but I still got it! Thanks for being the best sis in the whole wide Second Life. We had a blast and yeah, I got my cupcakes too 😀

    Huggs and love always!


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